On the composition of the Management Board of TC Bank

In accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of TC Bank as from August 2, 2021:

Hamid Farrokhi was elected to the Management Board of TC Bank and appointed to the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board;
Natallia Tsivanova resigned from the Management Board of TC Bank.

Последние новости

Курсы валют
Банк: покупает продает
Действуют с 10.02.2025 09:00
1 USD 3.34 3.39
1 EUR 3.5 3.57
100 RUB 3.42 3.48
Действуют с 10.02.2025 09:00
1 USD 3.34
1 EUR 3.5
100 RUB 3.42
Банк: покупает продает
Действуют с 10.02.2025 09:00
EUR/USD 1.03 1.065
EUR/RUB 100 105
USD/RUB 95.5 98.5
Действуют с 10.02.2025 09:00
1 USD 3.3899
1 EUR 3.522
100 RUB 3.4534

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